
Ear seed

[Mango seed] June 6th of the Chinese calendar
It's June, half of the year is over (surprise), the recent sweltering weather?
#solar season proverb?
"It's the same when there is thunder in the mangoes, and rain in the Duanyang is a good year." It means that the rain in the mangoes is a harbinger of a good harvest.
When the wind and rain are smooth, the rice will grow into ears, and the farmers will celebrate with their foreheads and hands.
The summer solstice of mango seeds, the drop of stalks of Xizai (mango): The tropical fruit mango in the south is on the market after the mango seeds.
Tips for life in Eargrass:
1. Exercising moderately to wick sweat and heat away excess body heat.
2. Wear breathable clothing to keep your body dry.
3. In terms of diet, take small meals and drink more tea to clear away heat and reduce internal heat.
4. Mosquitoes are easy to breed in hot weather, pay attention to environmental sanitation and repel mosquitoes.
5. It is prone to heavy rain and poor vision. Pay attention to traffic safety.
Solar proverbs Source: Agricultural Committee of the Executive Yuan


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