
How much does Aiwen Mango know?

Did you know? The sweet and juicy Aiwen mango with bright red skin is the mango variety with the largest cultivation area and output in Taiwan. Aiwen comes from Florida, which is 13,000 kilometers away
In 1954, it was introduced by the investigation team of the Agricultural Rehabilitation Association. At that time, there were 5 varieties of Haydn, Jilu, Kent, and Kate. Among them, Aiwen tasted the best, so it was gradually promoted and tested by the Agricultural Experiment Institute.
Mr. Zheng Hanchi of the Yujingdouliuzai tribe in Tainan, with a down-to-earth grassroots spirit, after 4 years of careful and hard work, he finally harvested successfully. The quality and yield of Aiwen mangoes were finally improved by selflessly imparting planting techniques and developing bagging methods to prevent pests.
In 1973, Douliuzai Tribe became the first mango area in Taiwan, dedicated to the development of intensive and professional mango industry.
Today's Aiwen is a frequent visitor to Taiwan's summer tables, and it is also the main variety exported to Japan and South Korea. It also plays an important role as a diplomatic ambassador and has become a nutritious lunch fruit for 6 schools in Kasama City, Japan, so that more people can taste Aiwen. The hard-won sweet flavor?
~Shared from AFA


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