• Domestic Jade Brocade Gift Box - Top Aiwen Mango Gift Box
  • Domestic Jade Brocade Gift Box - Top Aiwen Mango Gift Box

Domestic Jade Brocade Gift Box - Top Aiwen Mango Gift Box

  • feature of product
  • product specification
  • Product Description
Mangoes are rich in many nutritional values
Potassium: Help stabilize blood pressure and stay away from cardiovascular diseases, promote metabolism, and prevent edema.
Vitamin A: Vitamin A in mangoes is 60 times that of apples, and it is an excellent vitamin for protecting eyesight.
Magnesium: A natural neuroleptic that helps improve sleep quality.
Dietary fiber: Promote intestinal peristalsis and smooth bowel movements.
Vitamin C: Antioxidant to maintain body protection, but also promote collagen formation and maintain skin elasticity.
Mangiferin: A flavonoid that increases antioxidant capacity and is unique to mangoes!
Domestic sale jade brocade gift box
$800 5 kg/box (8-14 capsules)
Origin: Pingtung, Taiwan, Yujing
Variety: Aiwen Mango
The fruit of Aiwen is oval, with a round bottom and a top, without a raised beak. The smooth rind develops a striking deep red color when ripe. The pulp is yellow and has a strong aroma.
Production season: April to August
Features: Red skin and yellow flesh, strong aroma, red appearance like apples, nicknamed "apple osmanthus", and because of golden flesh, it is also known as "sun fruit" and "summer ruby".

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